Fiberlicious Weekend, Part 2

Cathy speculating about the wet fiber. I’ll link to the dry beauty shots whent hey post them.

I made them pour all the unexhausted dye into bins of superwash laps. Then I poured over the extra dregs and tossed them in the roaster. I’ll report back when it’s dry!

Spinster’s Club was fabulous! We met at Marta’s place (Alpacas of Wildcat Hollow) and got to spin on their beautiful garden gazebo. It was one of those perfect fluffy cloud days, warm but not hot, with a lovely breeze (but not too windy to spin). The alpacas were gamboling in the pasture. Laura chatted with a mourning dove with her perfect bird calls. Marta even made homemade ice cream. It could have be a postcard for country living.

Laura brought her weird little kick spindle thing, made by the same person who makes the Trixie & Little Joe, but I didn’t get around to trying it.

Marta just got back a bunch of lovelies from the mill, and I had to pick up a few goodies. I got half a pound of Marguerite’s gorgeous cinnamon stick-colored roving, and a quarter pound of the new tricolor, sort of a latte swirl (brown, fawn, and white), to compliment the brown/black/white tricolor swirl roving I picked up during Yarn School.

I’m setting my July goals to finish spinning my 07 floor batts & to spin all my Wildcat Hollow rovings.

I worked on some floor batts (made from the fiber dregs floating around the gym floor) I made during Yarn School 07, and wound the Louet bobbins onto a Woolee Winder bobbin so Jen could borrow them.

Then we went to Jennifer’s shop (we took the VERY scenic route thanks to my appalling directions) and I was totally good and only made a very few extra purchases (some more of the same merino/seasilk colorway, a 2-pronged shawl pin, and some silver angelina).

From one of Jen’s sheep. I will be getting this as soon as I’m a good girl and finish using my Videnovich farms yarn. I do so love the natural colored yarn.

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