Wooly wooly wool wool

Here’s how the Hello Yarn Big Top superwash merino that I drafted whole turned out:

My original plan with the whole-strand drafting was to maximize the length of each color span, making stripy yarn. I was going to leave it a single to prevent any muddying of the colors, but on second thought, I think the color might be a bit too bold to suit me as-is, and plying it will be just the ticket. Happily, I have another braid of the same top, so when I ply the two, I bet I get enough yarn to knit a nice little cardigan. I’m guessing the end product will be about a heavy worsted, because this mother took forever to spin. With my speed that translates to finer yarn. I even had to switch gears, as you can see. I usually spin on the slow gear, but it would like to have killed me, so I sucked it up and went faster, even though that meant I had to pay a little more attention and watch a little less tee vee.

More fibery fun lately, namely Mystery Batts:

These get whipped into a knot, with a goodie tucked inside:

And I dyed some alpaca/wool roving (it’s still wet here), maybe for batts, maybe just to spin:

Tonight I hope to dye some more fiber and some yarn to sell. We’re having an Open House and hosting a very cool art installation during Symphony in the Flint Hills. The way it’s going lately, I really hope it doesn’t get rained out. Yikes. That would be such a grave disappointment for the county, especially Eskridge, the town closest to the pasture where they’re playing. I’ll cross my fingers for sunshine.

Holy cow! I just heard a nursery jingle and thought I’d lost my mind. I’ve never seen an ice cream truck in Harveyville! I wonder if the kids around here even know what that music means? Of course I ran out to meet him! He didn’t have any of my old favorites (Bomb Pop, Blue Ghost, or Froze Toes), but I picked out some that looked good: Giant Ice Cream Sandwich! Snoopy! Spider-man!

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