I took a shower and put on my Y’all Suck skirt and Rachel & Chris arrived, and although I had a little accident trying to trim Agnes’ hooves (I only made it through two before I was bleeding, so I gave up until tomorrow), I was reminded of who I am (someone who loves friends and visitors and life in general–wow, that sounds either pretentious or deluded! but it’s true!) and who I’m not (a chronically crabby mopey malcontent who only wants to wallow and complain about everything instead of actually fixing it–at least, not for long), and now I feel utterly happy and lucky and grateful again. Yay! Funny how seeing a friendly face just perks you right up. Plus, they brought a big box of kolaches from the Czech Stop. Double yay!
And the watermelon margaritas were delicious!
Can I have a watermelon margarita? Just today, my husband told me it was OK with him if I bitch incessantly about things that are actually WRONG, but not about things that aren’t (although I argued that being able to feel the roll of tub around my waist makes it real; couldn’t totally support the ‘ugly hair’ complaint).