It looks like the kitten’s going to be okay! They glued up the scary gash and they’re helping him with what looks like a busted pelvis, but she thinks he’ll recover! Yay! Send him good kitteny healing wishes. If someone nearby wants to adopt him, the vet is Carbondale Pet Clinic, 785-836-7212.
yay! Yay for kitty glue!!!!!!!
Yay indeed!
I wish, I wish, I wish I was nearby! I miss my (also-rescued) former Siamese like you wouldn’t believe. I’d adopt him in a heartbeat if it was practical to get him here.
Good news indeed!
Amazing vets. Well done you for picking him up and taking him to get help. Hoping he finds a loving and caring home.
I am glad to hear that he pulled through. If it were for the fact that my cats and husband would pitch a fit I would take him, but they would probably oust me.
OH YEAH!!!! i’m so glad to hear he’s doing okay! if it was up here, i’d take that poor kitten in a heart beat! he needs a good kitty lover!