Final score: 38; 41 if you count swappers.
Yay! Final answer!
If you don’t know about the Überlist, it’s a dandy replacement for regular New Year’s resolutions that I invented years ago. The idea is to have lots of fun, easy things that you can tick off so you can strain your arm patting yourself on the back. You don’t want too many giant projects or routines you have to keep up with all year. At the end of the year, there’s a 90210-based scale that you score yourself against. Usually I’m fucking Andrea, but last year, I’d be lucky to be Donna or Steve. The temptation is always to make the list too ambitious, and that’s something I always struggle with, and also why half of every fucking list I make is a rollover from the year before (rollovers marked in red below, dupes that I liked well enough to add again are blue). Usually after several rolls, I realize the futility and knock the too-hard/unfun item off and replace it with something fresh that still seems doable. The year dictates the number of items, so 2013=113. I think there’s probably a tipping point where you take that 100 off, but 13 ain’t it yet.
- SCRILLA: Keep a running tally of all the interest and bank fees I’m paying, aiming for 40% less than 2012. $0
- NOPE. Don’t buy myself or Twyla any more clothes (make with stash yarn, fabric and patterns instead). $0
Don’t buy any more cloth diapers without first destashing an equal dollar amount. $0Sell newborn AIOs. $0Keep a running list on the fridge of all food waste. Buy a nice storage container as a reward for each month waste is under $10; reduced grocery budget for months that go over. $0- NOPE Schedule payments immediately when invoices come in. $0
- NOPE. Started out fantastic, but went off the deep end over the summer. End 2013 20% better financially than 2012. $0
- NOPE List 25/month on ebay. $0
- Open vintage etsy shop. $0
Keep up with CSA. Schedule grocery shopping after bag arrives, make a meal plan, freeze anything I won’t have time to use. $0- NOPE. $25/week grocery budget $0
Have a great booth at Winter Woolfest.$0- NOPE. Make/list 5 new etsy items weekly. $0
- Update shipping rates on shops. $0
Tax Question 11. ??Tax Question 10. ??- Tax Question 9. ??
- Tax Question 12. ??
(Struggled all year with this, and now I’m on YNAB and feeling pretty optimistic.) Make a monthly and annual budget. $0- Get rid of relic pair account, for crying out loud! $0
Pay off hardware cards during special offers to avoid interest fees. $0- FIXTIES: Get vacuum cleaners serviced. ??
- Oil hinges on all doors. $5
- Replace needles, dust out machines, and oil sewing machine and serger monthly when using. $0
Apply for help with remaining tornado damaged roofing. $0- Put all the hardware back on the back door. $0
- Finish walls. $300
- Finish floors. $300
- Finish lights and plugs. $700
- MAKE: Make something new out of my old coats. $0
- Finish spinning Gringo fur and make dad hat. $0
Make 2 boxes of fabric Kleenex. $0Make and keep on hand 2 full boxes of cloth wipes, and a half-gallon jar of wipes solution. $0Try to can harvest in season; freeze produce I don’t have time to can and can before year’s end. $0Make a giant pile of diaper inserts. $0- NOPE. 365 Project. $0
Dye long johns and changing pad covers. $0- Back to The Thrifty Knitter $0
- Make hats and scarves to coordinate with my sweaters so I can minimize my hobo look. $0
- Make some feed sack totes. $0
- Make a wool mattress pad to cool bed in the summer. $0
- Make a recycled wool throw. $0
Make cider or beer. $0Make Ron’s PJ pants. $0- Make mom’s wine kit. $0
Make some clothes for myself & Twyla from stash fabric & patterns.$0- Attach leather soles to Bunny Hop slippers. $0
- NOPE. Tour de Fleece. $0
- NOPE. Put deck back on top of barn (should have everything, but maybe $25 for extra fasteners).
- Make something fun with Ron. $0
- Make screen door for north back door. $50
- Knit 20 things. $0 (so far: 1-Carol Danvers’ Lucky Hat, 2- bunting, 3-baby cardigan, 4-capey thing, 5 & 6-2 NaKniSweMo cardigans, 7-pygora pullover)
Mod vintage high chairs so they’re safe. $15- Make a cover for glider with IKEA fabric. $0
Fix the Thrifty Knitter stylesheet so the page heading is an appropriate size.$0- Get bed caddy thing all sorted out so it stays put and declutter my nightstand. $0
Smoke 3 different types of foods(cheese, fish, meats, fowl, tomatoes?!) with my shiny new smoker! (so far: 1-beef brisket & arm roast; 2-cheese, mozz, cheddar, pepper jack, gouda; 3-chicken; 4-turkey breast; 5-peanuts)- CUPCAKE RANCH: Start a fiber CSA. Sort of. Didn’t follow through. $0
- Add panels to the hay rack to reduce messy fleeces. $30.
- NOPE. Chop down and kill off saplings in pasture. $0
- NOPE. Spray fields if possible; pull weeds like a maniac if not ($500 or free except for the crippling labor of weeding 7 acres by hand)
- NOPE. Clear the path around the property. $0
- (Need to get some proper greenhouse plastic, but have a serviceable temp setup.) Get some greenhouse plastic and cover the old coop for a sun hut/greenhouse. $100
- NOPE. UV-protect sheep jackets. $0
- NOPE. Jacket sheep. $0
- Process all fleece. $500?
- Make or buy dog house for Georgie ($0 – 100)
- STREAMLINE/ORGANIZE/CLEAN: Find a nice bin to use to keep scarves, hats, etc. attractively at the ready. $0
Put aside clothing I can’t nurse in so it’s out of circulation for the time being. $0- Clean and organize area by back door that used to have feed, etc. $0
Clean out fridge January 1. $0Buy Micro SD card, figure out handheld scanner, and scan and index 5 cookbooks. $25- Destash (knit or eliminate) 100 balls of yarn. $0
- Destash (spin or eliminate) 10 pounds of fiber. $0
- Get Purple Wave to auction all that random crap. $0
- Open up one quarter of the space in the storage room. $0
- Darn or recycle wrecked socks; sew up holes in wool tights Georgie attacked instead of looking like a slob or an old bag trying to be all punk rock in her holey tights. $0
Organize laundry room. $0- Fill a box and make a Goodwill run every month. $0
- Art Club: Do a full inventory on my shop. $0
- Find suitable inventory software–ideally an ip ad app. $50?
Pay back Charlene’s work swap. $0Clear out answering machine. $0Get new passport. $130Get new KDL. ??Clear off desk. $0- Catch up with filing. $0
- Catch up with ravelry mail. $0
- Inbox zero. $0
Get shredder cleaned up and running again. $0Assemble changing table that I had to have right that second. $0Label stuff before freezing. $0- DESIGN: Rework and issue Naughty Needles as an ebook. $0
- Issue Naughty Needles individual patterns as pdfs. $0
- Do 5 things to promote Literary knits. ?? (signing, TV, book fair…)
Send books to all my models already! $50 postage- Write 5 free and 5 paid patterns. $0 (so far: 1-Carol Danvers’ Lucky Hat)
- Make a T Pearl collection. $0
- SELF IMPROVEMENT: Spanish Rosetta Stone level 1. $0
Baby Signing Time. $0- NOPE. Only 1 free game of scrabble/day. $0
- Set a timer and spend half an hour every morning tidying or cleaning. $0
- Keep Sonicare charged and use the FULL cycle every day. $0
- Find out if I can do the Flint Hills technical program just one class at a time. $0
- Achieve and Maintain WW goal. $43/month until goal.
- NOPE. Get a checkup before my insurance anniversary. $25 FAIL
2 dental cleanings. $0Figure out those network thingies (the wall one and the wireless one). $0HARVEYVILLE PROJECT: Cheese School! ??- Harveyville PSIQs. $0
- Return Eskridge photos to Alumni Assn. $0
- Catch up on colorsourcebook with Cathy. ??
Keep an eye on the grade school temperatures all winter. $0
2014 or swappers
- Buy one of those circuit chaser thingies and chase and label at least one panel in this crazy building, monkeyfighter! ??
Set up and use the knitters loom. $0- Apply for USDA loan for large building roof . $0
- Get name of small motor guy from Cathy and see if he can fix my old food processor. ??
- Install an auto-off light switch in the boiler room. $35
- Make a cover for secondhand car seat. $0
Make a winter drop ceiling for the coop. $0- Make an upper door for the coop
Make a porthole cover for the coop- Make some kind of how-to video (carding, knitting?)