If you’re looking for sweet last-minute knits that don’t look last-minute, I have 3 new quick-knit patterns in my Ravelry shop. These will take an experienced knitter about 2 hours each, less if you’re super speedy. Keep in mind that using dpns, magic loop, or a yarn that splits will slow you way down, so if you really want to crank them out, stick with 16-inch circs and a snugly-plied yarn. I’ve found a soft-twist single can add as much as 45 minutes to my knit time, ouch (but that’s still under 3 hours, so just a mild ouch). As long as you’re getting gauge, any yarn will do.
And while I’m hocking stuff, my new calendar, AKA the Überlist calendar is here, too!
2011 is The Year of the Brain, with one of a kind covers from vintage science books & encyclopedias. Yes, I got to destroy old library books! Don’t have a heart attack, nerds! They’re all very dated (=bad science!), so they don’t belong in any real library, and they’re also very common books, so I’m not ruining our collective kitschy science nostalgia but defacing them. Hmph. You just made cutting them all up way less sexy. I was starting to feel like a thrilling delinquent. Turns out, I’m still a big nerd.
I’m having a hard time focusing this week. Oh, wait. That’s every week. I feel like I need to make a list of THINGS I AM NOT ALLOWED TO DO. I keep telling myself not to do them, but I do them anyway, like picking a scab. Maybe if I write them down, that will help me cut it out.
Thing 1: I must not stare at the airlock, nor time the bubbles, nor check the temperature.
Thing 2: I must not obsessively check home brew forums to find the magic bullet for my sluggish fermentation, because I don’t even know for sure if it is sluggish (but it totally is) and I’m not even going to take another hydrometer reading until Saturday, so what’s the point of looking up the solution yet another time if I don’t even know the problem.
Thing 3: I must not play Lexulous with robots, only with Suzanne and only one game a day.
Thing 4: I must not drift around the internet looking at stuff I can not buy.
Thing 5: That includes imaginary Christmas gifts I can not afford, even if they would be just perfect. You can’t get blood from a stone, even if Daddy would really really like some blood. Actually, my dad will probably be the one person I will spend cash money on, because he never seems into any of my handmade gifts.
Thing 6: That also includes adding a bunch of stuff I can not buy to my wish lists instead of buying it. Coveting is not productive even if it’s free.
Thing 7: I must not start any new projects until I finish my current projects. Making Christmas lists counts as a new project. Starting my new Überlist counts as a new project. Organizing my Tupperware counts as a new project. Inventorying my pantry counts as a new project. And yes, even cleaning my room/office/sundry work areas counts as a new project. Updating all my web sites, even if they desperately need it, counts as a new project. TASKS TO COMPLETION!
It seems like such a simple list. I don’t know what my problem is.
Does making a list of my tasks in progress count as a new project? Let’s say no. Good. Then I’m going to go do that. Wait. What?